Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Say numbers in oW!

This is for those with accounts under 13, do YOU want to say numbers on ourworld? Easy! here's some tricks to bypass the rule:

1: One (works!)

2: It works! you can write 2.

3: Write "Tree".

4: For.

5: fife.

6: Often mixed up with cx, this number is hard to bypass cuz of the bad word similar to it. Try "Seeks".

7: Sea Van. (Lol, maybe not... but no other ideas. )

8: ate.

9: "nin" 

10: tan.

11: el even.

12: twee elf.

13: stir teen.

14: for teen.

15: Fife teen

16: seeks teen

17: sea van teen

18: ate teen

19: nin teen

20: tween ty.
(For here, just mix them. eg. 21: tween ty on.)

30: stir ty.

40: for ty.

50: fife ty.

60: seeks ty.

70: sea van ty.

80 ate ty.

90: nin ty.

100: one hun dread.

200: 2 hun dread.

1000: one thou sand

one million: one million

one billion: one billion.

Yay, well now u know! It all works, tested by  me! In case you want numbers, then.... numbers! :D


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