Friday, September 9, 2011

Question Of the week

Hey Guys! Check it out! From now on, there's gonna be a question of the week every week, where we give you advice, help, and more!

This week's question:

"Dear Bronze,
I have got enough gems to buy myself a residency, but I can also hit the shops and buy myself alot of cool items. What should I do? I really want to be a resident, but I have some items I've been wanting for a long time. You should know, you're a resident!"

Submitted by: anonymus user.

our answer:

It's completely up to you! I know that's the answer you wanted the least, but it's the best. And if you REALLY want an answer, well... I'd say you buy the residency first... I said FIRST! Then you will be able to use your key and, with a bit of luck, receive gems and get both your wishes come true! This is a hard question though. If it wasn't for keys, I'd say residency was not worth it. I mean, you don't get as many features as expected. Again, I'd reccomend residency for the keys, but it's completely up to you.


Do you have any question, doubt or decision to make? We'll answer them for you! Send them to:

for a chance to get your question an answer!

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